Tree plantation campaign launched under MSM

MSM Pakistan Starts tree Planting campaing

A nationwide tree plantation campaign has been launched under the auspices of Mustafavi Students Movement. The campaign was inaugurated by the central president of Mustafavi Students Movement, Sheikh Farhan Aziz, by planting a sapling at the central secretariat. A large number of students from various universities and colleges, as well as officials of the Mustafavi Students Movement, were present on the occasion.

Speaking at the launch of the plantation campaign, Sheikh Farhan Aziz said that during the campaign, millions of saplings will be planted across the country, which will not only make the country greener and more beautiful but also help in controlling climate change, which has affected Pakistan and other countries around the world.

He congratulated all the students on the commencement of the plantation campaign during the monsoon season and expressed hope that they would actively participate in this great cause.

MSM President further stated that the plantation campaign is being launched under the title "One Human, One Tree," under which students affiliated with the Mustafavi Students Movement will plant millions of saplings nationwide as a demonstration of their love for Pakistan.

The plantation campaign will continue from August 9 to August 25, during which 300,000 saplings will be planted across the country under the "One Human, One Tree" campaign.

He urged that every individual should plant at least one sapling either inside or outside their home, and that tree cutting should be discouraged at all levels. He added that every member of the Mustafavi Students Movement will not only plant a sapling but will also take care of it for a year. Central General Secretary MSM Pakistan Mian Ansar Mahmood, Deputy General Secretary MSM Pakistan Mohsin Iqbal, and President MSM Lahore Ahmed Hassan were also present on the occasion.

MSM Pakistan Starts tree Planting campaing
