Hammad Mustafa is a student activist and has been associated with Mustafavi Students Movement (MSM) Pakistan, the student wing of Minhaj-ul-Qur'an International since 2013 and has actively played various roles on different positions.
He was born in 2001 in an agricultural family of Mianwali, North Punjab. He is currently enrolled in BS Mass Comm. from Minhaj University Lahore.
Hammad Mustafa is currently the Central Deputy Coordinator of Mustafavi Students Movement (MSM) Pakistan, Social Media Team and has been associated with MSM's Social Media since 2015. MSM is the largest student organization of Pakistan with its network from Karakoram International University Gilgit to Karachi University.
He is a Member of Central Working Council (CEC) of Minhaj ul Quran International & and also a member of member of Central Social Media Working Council (SMWC) of Minhaj ul Quran International.
He is the most prominent and active social media activist for student rights in Pakistan and with continuous efforts, learning and hard work he is only climbing the ladder to improve the quality of his work and has been awarded shields and certificates several times for his examplary services. He keeps on updating his skills.
Hammad Mustafa first served in MSM Mianwali with his passion for protecting student rights in the country. Then due to excellent performance, he was promoted to the provincial position as coordinator of Social Media, MSM North Punjab. From 2021, He served as the Central Deputy Coordinator, Social Media Team MSM Pakistan, and performing his duties and managing MSM's official Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and leading MSM's social media activists across the country.
His Twitter Handle is @HammadMSM
His Facebook Account is @HammadMSM